DIY Flower Ice Cubes

Beautiful People….how are you and thanks so much for stopping by Medley Style….with Memorial Day right around the corner, it’s the official kickoff to holiday entertaining so I thought I would share a fun DIY with you all today and it’s truly easy to make and will definitely be a nice surprise for your guests…DIY Floral Ice Cubes.

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Now basically all you need are the edible flower petals…I choose edible pansies…I love pansies and I love the mix of the colors….you can purchase them here. Now, all you have to do is place a few petals in your ice cube trays and fill with water and place in the freezer. I made them the night before my party.

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Right before the guest arrive, place the ice cubes in clear glasses and place them on a serving tray and sprinkle a few of the petals on the tray for a beautiful presentation and I also place a few fresh pansies on the tray as well….and there you have it…so simple to make and yet simply beautiful! Trust me, your guests will love it!

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Thanks so much to the oh-so-talented and beautiful Ali of Alisandra Photography for capturing all the pics…thanks for stopping by y’all…stay FABULOUS!!