It’s a new week Beautiful People and a chance for new beginnings….if last week was a little rough for you, no worries…life happens but let’s start this week off on a positive note and leave whatever last week in last week…we are not carrying it into this new week y’all….it takes way too much energy…let it go and put that beautiful smile on your face….put on something cute and get the swag in your walk and be that fierce person that I know you are! Now of course, I don’t know what happened in your world last week, but i’m speaking on the small stuff….there are some things that of course, we may have to bring into this week, and for those, stay prayed up and keep the faith!

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Sometimes we need a little inspiration in the morning…for me, after my morning prayer, I listen to an inspirational sermon or a motivational talk and sometimes, I simply put on my fave tunes and turn the music up…although, if I put on my favorite jams, I find myself getting caught up dancing and singing and loose track of time…especially when I’m listening to my “old school tunes”! Music make me happy and it just simply makes me feel good!

Fashion Deets….dress is from last season from ASOS……top and pants from LOFT from last season!

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So listen y’all…don’t let people steal your joy…don’t even let people take you to a negative space….trust me, they will try but don’t allow it…for some strange reason, some people think that bringing you down will take them higher…why anyone would believe this is beyond me, but don’t even go there with them…be happy and put that beautiful smile on your face and keep going….keep doing you and being that beautiful and strong you that only you can be!

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I always pray and ask God to let me know when to speak and address a situation and when to be still and not say a word… do know that sometimes “silence is truly golden”….trust me y’all, God will work it out and God will fight your battles…so don’t get caught up in the craziness….stay focused…stay positive…be kind….smile and send out positive vibes….Have an AMAZING week y’all….sending you lots of positive vibes and hugs….xoxo

Fashion Deets…..sweater top and pants from LOFT last season!

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Fashion Deets….floral top from LOFT from last season. Jeans from South Moon Under! White handbag from Target and straw bag from Zara!

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Images captured by my beautiful and talented friend Ali of  Alisandra Photography ….and to the beautiful Erika of Erika Nixon Beauty Pro for the glam!….thanks so much for stopping by today and I’m sending you all lots of positive vibes….keep smiling!….xoxo