The Single Life!

Happy Wednesday Beautiful People!  Today I'm chatting about "The Single Life"....yes at 59 years young, I've never been married and at the moment, I'm not in a a matter of fact, after ending my last relationship almost two and half years ago, I haven't dated and I went out on one date...but to be honest, I really didn't want to but the pressure from my girlfriends telling me I need to go out on a date is why I did...Note to Self:  Don't be peer pressured by friends or family...for me, I just wasn't ready!  So, my question is...Why do people who aren't single, treat Single People like we have some kind of disease and the only cure is to be in a relationship!


After the breakup, I needed time to heal and I really needed time to get to know myself again....I truly don't know how people can get out of one relationship and go directly into another one...for me, I needed time to myself...I needed quiet time to get my feelings in check...I certainly wouldn't want to carry the hurt from a previous relationship into a new one...I've never had an issue with being to myself...I have no issue going out to eat or going to the movies or to the museum by myself...and yes, sometimes you may get the "side eye" from the hostess at the restaurant when you say table for "1", but just smile and say.....yes, for "1".....bottom line...have a date with YOU!  It may seem a bit uncomfortable at first, but trust'll be fine!

yellow-pants-floral-top-fro.jpg are a few things that helped me along the way after the breakup and the first one for me and I've shared this before....I had to grow my relationship deeper with God...this was a must for me.  I wasn't putting God first in my life and things just started falling apart and I was totally lost!  I'm still a work in progress on this journey of highs and lows. 

The next thing is to know and love need to tell yourself that you are beautiful and that you are don't need someone to validate your are FABULOUS....inside and out and have some "swag" with it...but remember to stay humble!


Also, I'm a "home body" so I had to make myself get out of the house and I'm loving it.  Try new things y'all.  The next thing on my list is taking Salsa lessons...I love to dance and I've always wanted to learn how to salsa.  So, whatever that something is for it..whatever it is that completes you...could be cooking, traveling, painting..writing a book, singing...go for it!


Now, this next one is one that I must do..I keep putting it off and making excuses...just being honest with you....Exercise!  I have got to use the gym membership that I pay for each month and all the exercise equipment and workout tapes that I have in my home.  You know it's so crazy because, when I do workout, I feel so good, so I need to just do it! WE all know that exercise is good for the body and the mind. Also, good for the mind...we need to read..try reading a book a month.  This will also give you something to talk about with others.


Live your life and always remember to value yourself.  You'll know when you're ready to start dating and always remember to "watch out" for your know when to pull back and when to say, Oh no, not this time!  And know that there is no such thing as Mr. or Mrs. Perfect...but don't settle.  Take the time while you are single to become "whole"!  Always know that you are FABULOUS!....xoxo


Fashion Deets.....Floral Paisley Blouse and pants are from Loft and the straw bag is from Zara....and the shoes are from Need Supply...I got them a couple of years ago.

Images captured by my beautiful and talented friend Ali of Alisandra Photography and makeup by my beautiful friend and talented MUA Erika Nixon....thanks so much for stopping by Medley Style guys...have a beautiful day....xoxoxo